Criminal Defender Investigators Forging Ahead Despite Pandemic
Apr 21, 2020
As a criminal defense investigator, working from home during this pandemic can sometimes seem to be a lonely spot to be in. From clients calling non-stop with covid 19 breakout concerns at jail, to lawyers (without daily court hearings) submitting request after request, criminal defense investigators across the country are figuring out ways to get the job done.
Check out's article featuring many NDIA members and others during this Covid 19 pandemic:
How Defense Sleuths Are Forging Ahead Despite A Pandemic
We encourage NDIA members to share their experiences, tips, and suggestions while pounding the figurative pavent from home. Please send to EMAIL The NDIA will feature posts on the NDIA website and social media.
Happy Holidays
Fri, 12/16/2022 - 16:55 — Isaiah ReidJust want to wish NDIA A Happy Holidays