Rules of the Road for Blogging

May 13, 2012

"A few strong instincts and a few plain rules suffice us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


To create a successful blog, you need good instincts and some basic rules.  We cannot provide you with the instincts, but we can provide you with a set of rules, which we expect everyone to abide by in order to that the NDIA Blog thrive. We will keep them short, intuitive, and simple. 

  • You do not have to be an expert to write about investigative topics
  • Keep it coherent, clear, and professional
  • Back up facts with sources
  • Cite the sources
  • Ask permission to use others’ work, art, images, photographs, etc.
  • Links to articles, papers, books, etc. are allowed with very brief blurbs, but not the entire article, paper, book, etc.
  • No publishing of names and contact information for anyone other than yourself
  • No arguing
  • No snarking
  • No racist, sexist, or religious bias
  • No obscenity and vulgarity

That is all for now, but this list is subject to modification as the need arises.